The Greatest To Ever Set Foot On The Sands Continues Her Reign As Queen Of The Beach

[Editor’s Note: This is solely a Clickbate Smits production. All about the content, pageviews, and jokes!]

ANASTASIA!!!!!!!!  QUEENS STAY QUEENS!  Good for Anastasia for staying happy and healthy while shredding gnar, in the middle of a global pandemic, no less!  Down with Covid-19!  Up with riding the waves!  Utah and Anastasia gimmie 2!  Happy Hump Day to all, and to all a GOODNIGHT!  

Surf style, baby! CUE IT!

Go Anastasia Go! 

ANASTASIA BREAK: Check in on Fortnight Boi for me please and let him know I'm still swiping all his PAGEVIEWS!!!


Thank you, Anastasia! Thank you!

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